Lenticular – 3D

Lenticular, a whole new world waiting to be discovered. A fantastic marketing/promotional tool giving a whole new dimension to print. High quality dimensional dynamic printing that is attractive and eye catching.

  • Advantage: We can print smaller quantities from 1 to as many as you need.

It has taken technological advances and raised market awareness to help accelerate the growth of lenticular as an excepted form of Advertising material. It has the ability to reach out and touch its audience and interact with them in a way that is Eye catching & unique. Billboard lenticular, POS lenticular, lenticular invites, lenticular posters are just some of the ways Lenticular has successfully found its way into the whole media fold.

Lenticular Artwork Specifications

The lenticular printing process allows us to achieve the illusion of animation or three dimensional depth using a two dimensional medium. This is achieved by laying a lenticular lens over a single interlaced print containing a series of frames. Below is a brief description of the effects.



Animated images can be produced a number of ways including tradional computer art, computer generated animations or video. Animations can work from side to side as you walk past with the lens running vertically or if hand held working up and down with the lens running horizontally.


The process of enlarging an object in stages creating the feeling of zooming in on the subject.


A variant of animation, morphing can smoothly tranform one image into another as you walk past.

Flip image:

Changing from one image to another is the most basic but often the most eye catching using 2 or 3 images to achieve the desired effect.


The most technically advance form of lenticular enabling an illusion of true 3D depth from the process, either as a flat layered 2 dimensional cut-out or in 3D space creating full volumetric 3D from 2D digital origination.

During this research customers of the beverage were randomly asked why they choose that brand.Time magazine lenticular ad vs conventional print ad.

96% of the readers recalled seeing the 3D Lenticular ads.
91% reported reading more than half of the article that the ad was attached to (30-40% is typical for flat conventional ads).
72% retained the association between the lenticular ad and the company that placed it.
69% were favorably disposed towards the 3D lenticular ad, compared to 14% among those exposed to the same ad in flat print.
62% of the readers responded that it increased their appeal to the company that placed the ad.

3D lenticular display by major Alcohol brand.

21% stated they don’t normally drink that brand, but because of the display, they thought they would give it a try.

When the test was completed the company returned to the stores (15 days later) and asked consumers if they remembered the lenticular display.

91% of the consumers recalled seeing the display.

31% asked about the product.

34% could not recall what the competitors display (conventional 2D printed) looked like.

1.3% demonstrated a change in brand loyalty.

Clearly we have a powerful tool to be used in the marketing mix.